Drawing Irish writer and thinker Colm Dore (@ColmDore) at Arcadia Deli |
I spent the last Saturday of August 2014 drawing at Arcadia Delicatessan on the Lisburn Road, Belfast. With me being a regular this was a great way to interact with the staff and also meet some of the other customers, and of course draw them. I was operating on a donation system and started quickly. It was the usual Saturday bounce with young children smelling of grass and running about in their freshly used rugby and football kits; mums and dads doing their meat shopping and selecting a choice wine for the weekend dinner party.
It was great to see Irish poet Michael Longley come shuffling into the shop and accept my offer for a sitting. He was a joy to draw and speak with and you can see a Vine video of the drawing and a good selection of photos below. You can also see a full range of my cartoons of the staff and customers if you click to see more below.
This was a great way to lift things for the shop, the customers and the artist, all coming together in a cherry triangle of high spirits. Art, business and shopping - an intoxicating mix!
See my Live Drawing blog
here, with a post on drawing Michael Longley
here and drawing at Arcadia Deli
here. Read about how I do Live Drawing from my website
here. See a full chronology on all the Live cartoons I've ever drawn on my Flickr page
here, and see how I work and think and process ideas on my Live Drawing Tumblr portfolio